Arnie walked all around the robot, admiring it. “You know what this reminds me of? The Golem.”
“The Golem?” said Timothy. “What’s that?”
“It’s from an old legend we heard in Hebrew school. A few hundred years ago, a lot of Jews in Europe were getting killed by mobs, all because of some stupid rumors started by their enemies. This one rabbi wanted to protect the Jews of his city, so he made a man of clay and brought it to life. It was so strong, nothing could stand against it. They called it the Golem.”
“Kind of like Frankenstein?” said Timothy.
“Yeah, but the Golem came first, and that was probably where the idea for Frankenstein came from.” Arnie grinned. “Wouldn’t it be cool if this robot could protect us from the Stinks, like the Golem protected the Jews?”
Timothy grinned too. Then they both stopped grinning and looked at each other.
“You don’t think . . . .” started Arnie.
“I don’t know,” said Timothy. “I don’t see why not.”